
The leavening agent is coated inside, giving a dry sheen, the surface is soft to the touch. Not sticky, new formula, like just coming out of the center. Hello everyone! In this video, I will present “No.666 LINN” a car interior coating agent from DLABs LABs for Carcare. 
First of all, the working principle of “666 LINN” is to use a silicone emulsion to create a thin coating film. on the material surface inside the car To protect from sunlight, rain, wind, heat and also make the material shiny and slippery. But it's not sticky or sticky.

Next, we will look at the steps for using it. For mixing the “666 LINN” solution, I will use pump pro dlabs that can pump out 20 ml at a time to mix the solution to the appropriate proportion. Usually used in a ratio of 1:4 or 5 pumps.

Steps for use

  1. Clean the surface to be coated with a microfiber cloth.
  2. Mix the solution in the appropriate ratio (1:4) using pump pro dlabs 5 pumps.
  3. Use a spray bottle or spray gun for easy and thorough application.
  4. Apply with a microfiber cloth or spray onto the surface to be coated.
  5. Wipe dry to create a shiny and moisturized surface.


The result will be a smooth, luxurious-looking coating on the seats, steering wheel, and console.
Just coat in the same direction. Avoid coating on wet or wet surfaces. and if mixed with more water Durability may decrease.
This is “666 LINN” from DLABs LABs for Carcare, an innovative car interior coating that makes your car's interior look luxurious, new and durable for a long time!


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